Interested in Realtime Translation? For those who are not familiar, Realtime Translation is a process by which stenographic notes are translated into English and transmitted to receiving computers almost simultaneously. This translation can then be viewed and used for note-taking and for searching relevant portions of testimony.
The equipment used by Bauer Court Reporting, Inc. for Realtime Translation includes a ProCat Xpression writing device used by the court reporter, which is then connected to a laptop computer utilizing the Eclipse translation program. After a brief delay to allow for quick preliminary editing, the English translation is transmitted by cable to the attorneys’ receiving computers. CaseView, LiveNote, Bridge, or similar programs are then utilized to allow counsel to perform various note-taking and search functions. At the conclusion of the Realtime session, you may obtain an uncertified ASCII file and/or a printed rough draft. This will then be followed by a final edited and corrected transcript and/or electronic file to arrive on an agreed-upon delivery date.
While this explanation of Realtime Translation seems quite simple, it takes a great amount of reporting skill and an equal amount of cooperation from everyone involved to make your Realtime experience a success. The following includes information that will assist us in providing you the best Realtime Translation and enable you to maximize your use of the Realtime hookup.
Realtime Suggestions
Before the Realtime Session:
- When scheduling your deposition or hearing, please notify us that Realtime Translation is needed. Realtime requires much advance preparation by the Realtime reporting team.
- Send us a copy of the full caption of the case, as well as the names of all participants in the Realtime session, including attorneys and witnesses.
- A list of spellings of names, places, companies, chemicals, and other technical terms is invaluable. This information is programmed into the computer before the Realtime session and reduces the amount of untranslated or mistranslated stenographic notes and will make your Realtime experience even more successful!
- If possible, please provide a set of exhibits for the use of the court reporter on site at the Realtime session. They are a great source of the above-mentioned spellings, as well as quotations, dollar amounts, dates, and other useful information.
- Please let us know what your equipment needs are. Our system operates through a serial communication. If your equipment is not compatible, arrangements can be made for us to provide a laptop computer for your use at the Realtime session. All necessary cabling will be provided by Bauer Court Reporting, Inc.
- Please indicate your choice of receiving the Realtime product in an uncertified ASCII file and/or rough draft form. Whichever your preference, it will be followed by a certified final copy of the transcript at an agreed-upon date.
At the Realtime Session:
- The success of your Realtime experience depends on the cooperation of all parties. If possible, inform opposing counsel of your intention to use Realtime Translation to ensure their cooperation and enable them to take advantage of the benefits of Realtime.
- Realtime Translation requires more advance setup time than a regular deposition or hearing. The reporter will arrive approximately 1 hour before the scheduled starting time of the Realtime session to set up the computers and cabling required for Realtime. Please have your equipment available at this time for the reporter to connect and test the Realtime hookup.
- You will be asked to sign a Realtime Rough Draft and Certified Copy Order. As impressive as Realtime may be, it is not perfect and is an unedited and uncertified version of the proceedings. We want to provide you with the best and most accurate transcript possible, so please allow for editing and proofreading before receiving your final certified copy.
- During the Realtime session you may see misspelled proper names, untranslated stenographic notes, or nonsensical words or phrases. Although these may be puzzling to you, they make perfect sense to the court reporter when we view the stenographic notes behind those words or phrases.
- For the best possible Realtime Translation, please speak clearly, distinctly, at a moderate pace, and avoid speaking when others are speaking. Please encourage witnesses to follow these suggestions. This is one of the most important things you can do to make your Realtime experience a successful one!
- When the Realtime session gets beyond the control of the court reporter – i.e., multiple speakers, misheard testimony, rapid speech – you may experience an interruption. Our goal is to bring the session back into control and provide you with our best Realtime effort.
- As always, feel free to ask any questions about what you’ve seen during your Realtime session. Our Realtime team is also available for demonstration to your colleagues or clients.
After the Realtime Session:
- You may be provided with an uncertified ASCII file and/or a rough draft of the Realtime session. These are unedited and uncertified and are for use only in your preliminary review of the testimony. They are not to be used or cited in court proceedings or documents. The final certified transcript will be forwarded to you on the agreed-upon delivery date and is the best, most accurate and official record of the proceedings.
Thank you for reviewing these Realtime suggestions. We appreciate your cooperation and welcome your questions or comments! Please contact us at or at 724-444-1080. You may also use the Contact Us section of our website,